Sunday 17 August 2008

Sunday and the sun is shining

Today I woke feeling a lot better. I had a herbal tea and found some energy to clean my kitchen and wash up from past few days. Now I feel I can start to make raw food again.

I went out with stuff to compost and discovered from my neighbour that I had a wasp's nest at the back of the house. I wondered why there seemed to be a lot of wasps at my back window.

I watered my tomatoes and despaired at the garden which was a jungle again. I went back in and made myself a carrot, spinach, apple, celery juice. It went down far too quickly for the effort that it takes to make it. Then I got stomach bloated and full feeling, like I did with the smoothie last night. I did not quite feel as sickly though. Wonder why the cooked spaghetti did not make me feel ill. Not fair!

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