Friday 22 August 2008

Music not TV

I had my usual breakfast and then as I was getting dressed I got on the scales. I was really disappointed. I am nearly 9 stone again. I have put on nearly 7lbs in just a day or two. How? Why?

Was it the bit of larabar.. Is my body doing some strange healing. Have I secretly developed brain muscle from all the thinking I have been doing?

Oh well I have to trust that my body knows what it is doing. In fact it is doing something strange because I manged to fit into a pair of black cords that I have not been able to fit into since March? So why am I thinner but heavier?

I had meeting all day, but this one was with like-minded people and I really enjoyed the day.  We want to do some research in a new area, but cant get funding.  We came up with some ideas for a new proposal that we could take to some people who might fund a study.

I took them to a free lunch in the canteen and I sat with my kale salad.  I got the comments, that looks colourful... but I would be hungry if I ate just that.  I did eat just that and tried not to feel hungry or envious of their cooked food.  Fortunately  our canteen food is not the kind of food that I would eat so that bit was easy.  I really enjoyed my kale salad, but need to make more next time.

I went home at the end of the day via Tescos which had lots of young coconuts.. I now have even more... must have 10 in total in my kitchen.  They had no berries though.. that was a blow.  I took some nectarines and some plums.  I like plums but not sure how to make smoothies with nectarines or plums.  I tend to just eat them.

I had two young coconuts and later a bag of dired mango.  I was hungry but I really was too exhausted to tackle the kitchen mess in order to make something to eat.  I was going to just watch TV, but I found that my brain was working overtime.  I dont think I have physical energy but lots of mental energy right now.  I wanted to listen to music.  I just wanted music.  So I did a little of of the huge pile of washing up and composting that needs to be done in the kitchen, watered my plants and then I went to bed feeling a little better but hungry.

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