Wednesday 20 August 2008

day 32: Living in the Now

My period pains returned and my energy crashed and it has been a bit of a trial so I have not been able to post.

I have ate the usual
breakfast is granola, soaked in orange juice with banana and berries
Simple salad with whatever I can chop up. With a bit of veggy mayo (cooked).

I tried to make some raw mayo but I tried two recipes and did not like either. I made some mayo and some coleslaw. It was not good... not bad.. but not good. Today I added a couple of teaspoons of veggy mayo to give a bit of a lift to it. Strange I found the nut taste to be reasonable but a bit dead. I also found that the olive oil tasted too strong and did not like it. I will continue looking for other mayo recipes

I also have been hacking into young coconuts and having lots of my 2nd favourite smoothie... young coconut water, any coconut meat, 1/2 pineapple, and 1 banana. Yummy.

I am reading self help books and raw blogs to keep the inspiration going whilst I have such a hard time with this period. I intend not to have this hard time next time (which unfortunately coincides with my trip to Sedona).

I am trying to live in the now as the books say, but it is hard when the now includes pain. I keep thinking it is down to the food, or detox, or whatever... but in the end pain, loss of energy, feeling unwell is quite a big thing.. Do I cancel it .. or do I feel it and give up and really feel the dark side. Or perhaps I just put up with it and put life on hold and wait for the pain etc to go away and start again another day.

I managed to do some washing up (too much to do in one sitting) and I forced myself to make some kale salad and then just go to bed early.

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