Wednesday 6 August 2008

No Young Coconuts.. .how will I survive?

Day 18:

I woke up and did not feel brilliant about going back to work. I had a herbal tea and made my granola with orange juice and banana. The banana seems to tone down the sharpness of the oranges.

I got an email from the rawfood lady and it was a lovely read. We both have some similar challenges and it made me smile. I wil reply when I have some time to think as I want to do it justice.

I took a salad of lambs lettuce, burgers and sauerkraut and beetroot to work.
I also took a banana to eat. I enjoyed it at lunchtime, but I think I need something a bit more juicey to go with the burgers, the sauerkraut was a bit too strong for me.

I had herbal tea at lunch as I was in 3 meetings today and so had no time to get my teabags during the day.

I went to the supermarket on the way home and got lots of lovely fruit and vegetables but there were NO young coconuts. I went to customer service to find out if I could order some. They found it difficult but then they said they would try to get some by Saturday. I mentioned that I did not live near by and could not come in on Saturday but could they ring me whatever day they turned up and I would make a special journey. They had my work number, but if they ring on Saturday.. I wont be at work!. Oh well we will have to see. But my visualisations are not working for me.

When I got home I found my Fresh Network parcel full of goodies (well seeds and pollen and tahini).

I made a smoothie of banana, raspberry and rock pollen. It tasted good but I found that the pips were very sharp so had to swallow the mouthfuls very quickly.

So what did I eat today?
2 herbal teas
granola, 1/2 orange juiced and 1 banana
lambs lettuce, burgers and sauerkraut and beetroot
smoothie of 250g of raspberries, 3 bananas, 1 teaspoon rock rose pollen.

bye for now

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