Wednesday 6 August 2008

A new week

Day 17: Monday 5th August

I started the day with herbal tea as I did not want citrus.
I did some computer stuff and downloaded interviews off David Wolfe’s BestDayEver site.

I read some zen stuff on the internet and then decided to do a little of everything today. I tidied out my nut collection and threw away any old nuts and seeds. I had some new glass containers. I then did some weeding in the garden but it started to rain. I then made some carrot pecan burgers and then my favourite juice. Then I relaxed to listen to the July David Wolfe audios.

I am feeling better although I still have swollen glands. Hope I am not feeling better for eating some cooked food. I am going to be very high raw today. And this time I will get through the detoxing with the help of my digestive aids. I made lots of fresh orange juice to sip during the day.

I got an email from a raw food lady whom I met about 8 years ago. I hope that she emails me back as it will be nice to communicate with someone.

The weather looked dryer again and I spent about 1.5 hours in the garden trimming a hedge and weeding some of my square foot garden. It then started raining again. I have a large garden. Correction I have a large bit of a hill, not really a nice garden. I have made some terraces to grow things, but I live surrounded by woods and the nettles and brambles just take over my garden. It is a constant challenge to keep an area free for growing food.

I spent the evening trying to upload my videos and failing. It seems to be too big but I dont have any software to reduce the resolution. I thought I had set the output size to be small, but it was not the case. I will learn to do better.

Well off to bed

What did I eat today?
3 herbal teas
carrot, apple, celery, spinach juice
taste of carrot pecan burger
lots of fresh orange juice

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