Monday 4 August 2008

Day 16: Still got stomach cramps

Woke about 7.30 and I was still in pain with stomach cramps. I need to rethink my diet. I decided to go downstairs and start my digestive enzymes and digestive disorder treatment that I had just received. I put some drops of the digestive stress treatments in water and took a couple of enzyme capsules. It all tasted really horrid, like licorice or aniseed. I hate that kind of flavour. But if it helps me then it will be worth it.

I had a herbal tea to get rid of the flavour and then listed to some more Rawkin Radio shows, whilst looking through my hoards of raw recipe ebooks for ideas that I might like. I think I have too many books, paper and ebook, and just get overwhelmed with it all and end up with nothing. I like Alissa’s book and Rhio’s book “Hooked on Raw” as good all-rounders.

My stomach settled down which was good. Maybe I have found a good answer for eating raw food. I still have a swollen throat and feel very tired. I want to make some raw foods but right now I think I just want to rest. Not sure why. I rest and then 20 minutes later I got restless and needed to get up, but all I could do was then tidy something in the kitchen, get very tired and lie down again.

I watched part 2 of Alissa’s DVD and really wanted avocado but found that I did not have any at all in the kitchen. I was disappointed as I could not think of anything else that I wanted to eat. I don’t usually crave avocado but now I was. I had a mango and then tried to stop the cravings with some kale chips. Later I had some orange juice.

Then I got really bad stomach pains again and I to lie down and do nothing. I tried to meditate the pain away, but it was really bad. I took my NatureRemedies DigestAssist and within half an hour it calmed down. I still felt ill with tonsilitus and just rested and continued to read raw recipe books to get new ideas. I am going to be fully raw tomorrow.
Later I had some cooked food with salad.

What did I eat today?
herbal tea
kale chips
1 pint orange juice
some cooked food with simple salad

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