Friday 8 August 2008

At last the weight comes off

Day 20: Friday 8th August:

woke up and felt quite bright, but when I got up to view why there were loads of wasps buzzing around the drainpiple outside my bedroom window, I started to see colourful stars and quickly lay down on my bed before I fainted.

I went downstairs to put on the kettle and feed the birds. I had to rush back in the house to go to the loo. A lot came out and it was like lumpy porridge. I seem to get like this on raw foods when I have salads. Not sure if it is detoxing or reaction to something... perhaps lambs lettuce or avocado.

Anyway I felt quite light afterwards and did not want a big breakfast so I had my herbal tea and just a small handful of raw granola. I listened to a rawkin radio session and thought about raw recipes. What should I eat next week? What should I make this weekend? Suddenly I wanted a young coconut and slowly hacked my way into one. They all seem to be under pressure and the liquid spurts out all over everywhere. I enjoyed the contents and then was delighted to find a small amount of coconut meat.

Before I dressed I stepped on the scales just to see the bad news.....

I could not believe what they said... they said 8stone 7lbs. That means 119lbs.

That means I have lost 7lbs in a few days.... or maybe just today...

I think most of it went down the toilet, but it is a start. So perhaps more nuts in the burgers made a difference? who knows why my body was holding onto the toxic fat cells. But now hopefully the toxins are starting to be released. Yippee!

I made up a salad out of what I could find. I had spinach, tomatoes, burger. I added cucumber and grated carrots and some cooked veggy mayo to make it all taste nice. If I can find a raw equivalent then this will be wonderful, but the recipes I tried last year did not taste anything like veggy mayo. I think that I like the creamy vinegary taste so I will work on how I could reproduce this taste.

Driving to work was a bit slow as I was behind slow traffic, but I was smiling and started singing to the radio and felt like I was on a raw high. I definitely felt lighter as though I had released something down the toilet.

I forgot about the kale salad, but I went shopping with a colleague and he bought a salad and we ate it in a car-park as we did not have time to find somewhere to eat.

I went to Tescos ... yep again.. and bought lots including MORE yes MORE young coconuts. Here in this part of the UK it is rare to get them so easily, if at all, so I am willing to get as many as I think I can eat. I would love them to have coconut meat inside as I could try some of the more exotic recipes then. Still just getting them is a thrill for me. Getting into them is a strange art, I cant do it the way the videos show you. Last year I seized up my electric drill in an effort to get a straw into them :-))

I went home and felt a bit exhausted. I put stuff away, watered the tomatoes, found some little baby cherry tomatoes had ripened and popped some in my mouth. I am not a fan of tomato seeds and not sure I really like tomatoes very much, but these were just gorgeous.

I really need to force myself to eat my own grown food. I must confess that my plants seem to bolt before I get the motivation to eat them. I think the main reason is that I just cant find it in my heart to kill the plants or even destroy them by picking some leaves!!!!

I went back into the house and tried to think what I could eat. Then I remembered the kale salad. I had a big bowlful and watched a bit of tv. I then had another coconut and went to bed early with a novel.

So what did I eat today?
3 herbal teas
2 young coconut
salad with cucumber, burger, tomatoes and bit of cooked mayo
bowl of kale salad with yummy dried tomatoes and mushrooms

bye for now

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