Tuesday 12 August 2008

Durian in the Office

I woke in the night from a dream where someone was screaming. I found out it was a bird screeching on my roof. I discovered the electricity had gone off. Nothing was working. Later, I dont know when, I was woken by the sound of my answer phone coming back on and telling me. This annoys me especially since it does not work, but the phone has to have it to work. Very strange. I tried to go back to sleep. I felt like period pains would overwhelm me any minute. In fact I felt very stressed and wound up. I started feeling like I would explode and needed to stab myself to deflate my womb. I then had lots of half dreams about blowing people up and then stabbing them. I just felt more and more angry... I wanted to kill people... I wanted to scream....

Wow this is some PMT.

I woke again to sound of heating pipes banging and bird attacking my window. I was confused until I realised that my alarm clock was not working even though I had electricity again. The central heating meant that I was late.

I rushed downstairs, nearly fainted when getting out of bed, and discovered it was not too late... it was 7.00am. I made granola and herbal tea. Fed birds, watched some raw food youtubes and then made salad for lunch. I forgot to say that last night in my search in the old freezer for food... I found some frozen durian. I took it out overnight and it was defrosted and ready for work today. I took some bananas and some strawberries as I have an afterwork meeting.

I was still feeling a bit negative over my PMT but remembered my reading from last night and kept saying cancel to my negative thoughts and replaced them with positive thoughts. I did my gratitudes and all the way to work I was thankful for every little thing I could find.

I was a bit calmer when I got to work and there was no period or no pain all morning. I did feel like something inside me needed to come out... but that was all. I was resigned that I would be in pain for my holiday and that I needed to accept the fact and then deal with it. Maybe if I keep raw for next month, the pain might be good pain?? Maybe I wont sleep on the plane anyway?

So lunchtime... I got out my salad and my durian. I started eating the durian waiting for someone to hate the smell. Fortunately I currently sit in a nice large area where most people are away on business trips. Then one young lad nearby popped his head up and said... Do I smell a DURIAN? I was amazed that he knew what one was. He went off to lunch as I was laughingly saying Yes it is.

But no-one else mentioned anything. The durian was wonderful. It is very messy when defrosted but was very sweet. I could only eat a half the portion. I saved the rest for later.

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