Monday 4 August 2008

Day 15: still got sore throat

I woke at about 8.00am and went down to feed birds. I grabbed a hot water with lemon juice.
I was going to juice but I was suddenly very hungry, so at about 9.30am I made some granola with orange juice, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and banana. Yummy.

I tried to catch up on my blog which I had been too ill to do last night. I realised that the blogs were going to go in august not july, but then found an option which meant I could put them all into the last day of July. So this may seem a bit weird but at least the blog entries are in the right month in the archives. I made a mental note to update my blog better.

I realised that my throat, whilst sore, was not too bad. My glands were still swollen and I had problems swallowing. However, I did manage to slowly eat my granola during the morning. I did this whilst lying on the sofa watching my Alissa Cohen DVD. It is really inspiring. I am determined to make more meals so that I don’t have cooked food cravings. I am not sure that my mind is ready for simple foods yet.

by noon I did some chores including making bed, wahsing and ironing. By 12.30 I had bad stomach pains. Drat. I think I may end up on carrrot juice after all, although I don’t feel well enough to tidy kitchen in order to get juicer out.

So I decided to watch some inspiring raw videos on youtube with a lot of Juliano in them

video 1
video 2
video 3

My second raw food book, back in 1999 was Juliano’s raw. Great pictures, but I found it too difficult to make the recipes. I was interested in the butternut squash wontons, they souned different and tasty. I am not a fan of butternut squash but maybe I can do this with in the Autumn when I usually get them in my organic box delivery.

I started to feel a bit better and tidied kitchen, washed up and then made my favourite juice, carrot, apple, celery, spinach

About 3.00pm I had some dried papaya and some cashew nuts. Not quite together and not good food combing, but just what I needed.

My glands are really sore but I am not as bad as I was at the beginning of July when I got it really bad. However, that was the point when I decided to be high raw again. Strange that I get swollen tonsils again. The swelling is all down the left side of my face and neck.

About 3.30 I had stomach pains and decided to have some cooked to see if it would stop the pain. I put my last nut burger into the oven to warm up. Weird how I change from not wanting to eat and then wanting to eat everything. I ate rest of kale salad and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately the pains got worse and even ironing would not stop the pain, so I ended up lying down watching more of Alissa’s video.

In the eveing I made a pina colada smoothie. This time with two bananas which was a mistake as it was too bananary

So what did I eat today?
hot water with lemon juice
bowl of granola with orange juice, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and banana
carrot, apple, celery, spinach juice
some dried papaya and cashew nuts
plate of kale salad
smoothie of coconut water, pineapple and banana

Bye for Now

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