Sunday 10 August 2008

Day 23: Virus detected and not destroyed

I woke up early again and fed the birds, had a young coconut. I switched on the computer and it started giving me strange messages, so virus or whatever was still there. I tried to get into my document files to backup and it was hard. I redid my new spyware software and it was taking a long time. In the middle Norton suddenly popped up and said it had detected and removed a virus.. At last... I hope...

I had granola and a herbal tea whilst I started my quest to back up all my file. I have so many raw food audio and video files that it takes a lot of DVDs to back it all up... and all day to do this.

It is raining a lot this weekend, but I found a 5 minute break in order to dash up the garden and water my tomatoes as I forgot last night. It was a jungle and I felt that they had to be pruned as they were getting bottom rot. I trimmed then and found that my little pepper plants that were hidden in them each had a pepper. The trimming should get some light and sun to the pepper plants.

I filled up my buckets from rainwater butts and dashed back inside to go to loo!!. Just in time as the heavens opened and it poured with rain. I spent the rest of the morning trying to backup all data from computer. The virus cant be remeoved as it is in internet explorer and if you delete IE files they just keep coming back. I am now using opera (which I had an old copy of on a CD) and I may have to delete everything from my computer and start again. I dont like using opera as everything is in the wrong place, but it may be my only option right now.

I am not looking forward to deleting everything of the computer and reinstalling everything.

Don't understand why the files keep replicating because if I could delete the files and reinstall a clean version I would be fine. AVG and Norton cant do anything.

I am just eating kale salad for now, but I am getting more and more annoyed and not interested in preparing raw food right now.

OK I am starting to like Opera now and I think that after all this... I already have a program on my computer that will make my webcam video smaller. It wont do MPEG though. I played with it and youtube for a couple of hours. I then started soaking some sundried tomaotes and medjool dates for making next weeks lunches.

I did another Full Virus Scan and had it find two viruses in the registry. Hope that this starts to resolve matters. I did another scan overnight.

Meanwhile I tried to make beetroot ravioli. Sorry Alissa but your filling is almost disgusting to my taste-buds. I really do not like walnuts. So I made another pate out of sunflower seeds and cashew nuts and this was a bit better. I made the beetroot raviolis. I am not sure I like raw beetroot.. it just tastes of soil somehow.

I made some sauce and put them all separately into the fridge. Meanwhile I had some mangoes and a young coconut and then nibbled kale chips all evening.

So what did I eat today?

young coconut

granola with raspberries, blueberries, banana and orange juice

herbal tea

kale salad

young coconut

2 mangoes

3 handfuls of kale chips

taste of pate

herbal tea

Bye for Now


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