Sunday 10 August 2008

Day 22: I get a virus or something


What a relief not to go to work. Unfortunately I forgot to switch off my dawn alarm clock and I was awake by 6.45am. I decided to read the end of my novel. I find that when I get a novel.. I just cant stop reading it. This is a disadvantage. However, it is better than watching TV.

I got up about 8.30am and fed the birds. I was not sure what to have for breakfast, so I opened up a young coconut and drank that. I had a large dose of nearly diarrohoea.

I was not feeling very energetic, I just wanted to mope around, but I could not stay still for long wihout purpose, so I decided to lie on the sofa and watch raw videos. I watched nomi shannon (Raw Gourmet) tapes, but it was not as exciting as Alissa for me. Later I was hungry but not for granola, so I had some kale salad bout 10.00am. I continued watching videos until 12.00am.

I tidied up the kitchen and then started reading The Secret and some other manifesting books whilst I nibbled. I really need to start manifesting some peace into my life. The work crap has to go without me losing my job.

I was in a nibbling day. I nibbled some raw olives, I nibbled some raw greek crackers. Neither I liked. I nibbled some kale chips. I nibbled some cashews. I nibbled a cherry pie larabar. I had more kale salad. I made a watermelon with some skin juice. (first I blended it.. .YUK). The juice was not my favourite but passable.

I tried to do some computer surfing to find out if I could make my webcam smaller. In downloading some software...I managed to get a virus on my computer!! I then had to start backing up my work, but it would not let me in my documents folders and not onto the internet. I edited my registry and managed to reboot and get online and got some spyware. but then it would not delete. I already have Norton, but it was saying my computer was clean. I took all evening to feel a bit confident that my computer could be switched off. I managed to backup about 1/2 my stuff.

I went to bed reading more of my manifesting books. I need to manifest a clean computer.

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