Thursday 31 July 2008

Day 13: Tonsilitus!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had granola for breakfast but this time could not face almond milk so I had some orange juice. Just 1 orange but it turned out to be very sharp and it took nearly 40 minutes to have breakfast.

I took the kale salad to work, adding some lambs lettuce.

At work everything was Ok and the salad was good. However by the end of the afternoon my throat started to hurt. It continued to hurt and my tonsils swelled and my neck was painful.

Seems like I probably have tonsilitus... or I am seriously detoxing.

I went home feeling pretty lousy. I did not feel like thinking raw. I just wanted some warming and soft. I was craving bubble and squeak. I resisted the urge to buy some. At home I looked in the freezer and found some roasted vegetables. I warmed them up and ate these. Not a great taste but they were comforting and I went to bed.

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