Wednesday 30th July
Woke about 6.30 a little before alarm clock. I was feeling a bit groggy but no stomach pains. After loo I went to put on kettle, feed birds, make warm herbal tea, and then granola and almond milk with berries. I started to feel a bit nauseous but not too bad this time. However, the milk is thick and I think my body does not like to drink thick milk. So do I sieve or bag the milk in future. Need to figure this out more. I love almonds and just dont know why this is a problem all of a sudden.
I put some marinated veggies in a container for work, and took out all the sweetcorn kernels to see if this helpled my stomach.
I listened to more rawkin radio shows on my computer whilst eating breakfast and then went to work. Almost as soon as I got there I had to go to loo in a rush as stomach starting turning. I had lots of porridgy stools. Yuk. I felt very weak but relieved afterwards.
Had strawberries for lunch, but I could only eat a few. So then had an apple. Then felt hungry so had my marinated veggies. These were better without sweetcorn, and I ate them all
About 3.00pm I had really bad stomach pains again. I think it must be the veggies. I tried some water but it did not help I was in so much pain that I ended up having some cooked crisps. It was the only cooked food I had and I wondered if it would stop the pain. By 4.00pm I was feeling a bit better and went home early again.
I need to find alternatives to the veggies which is a pain since I really like the taste. I decided to make some kale chips. I think the apple vinegar might be strong for me. I forgot the salt but they are in the dehydrator now and so it is too late.
I then made Karen Knowler’s kale salad minus the onions and garlic. However I think I am rejecting olive oil as the smell is really offputting and it was my new bottle of olive oil. I should have put in less so I try to put in more lemon to mask it. I put in lots of mushrooms.
I opened a young coconut and enjoyed it immensely.
I feel really bad about the cooked food but I am disappointed that my stomach is being so fragile. I cant have oil, cant have almonds, cant have sweetcorn, not eating strawberries. Not sure what to eat instead. I dont want just to eat fruit as this makes me feel unbalanced. Maybe I need to just be high raw until my body calms down.
I think I am going to be on carrot juice for the weekend.
I watched a bit of TV nursing a slightly uncomfortable stomach and then read and went to sleep.
So what did I eat today?
granola and almond milk with raspberries and blueberries
1 container of marinated veggies without sweetcorn
bag of prawn cocktail crisps
taste of kale salad
water from 1 young coconut
bye for now
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