Thursday 31 July 2008

Day 6: Thursday 24th July 2008

Woke up fresh and early and read more of my book. Had to go to loo and this time my BM was very loose and porridgy. This is usual for me on raw food and a nuisance and I don’t know the answers. I had stomach pains all morning.

I decided that my almond milk was now too old to use it had a off smell. I had prepared my fruity granola and contemplated eating it dry. Then I decided to juice 3 apples and pour apple juice on it. I think this is a lot of washing up for one meal so I need to rethink what to put on my granola.

Had some fruit (banana and passion fruit) for lunch and lost of kale chips. Stomach pains had gone and I was feeling reasonably good.

Went home and my organic delivery was waiting for me. This tends to have about 50% of things that I may wish to eat or can before they go off. The other 50% tends to end up in my compost bin. I keep thinking that I should cancel as it is not working out for me, but then I feel bad that I am not supporting UK farmers, so I continue.

I made myself another raspberry smoothie. I psyched myself up to make some raw food. I soaked some sundried tomatoes and made raw lasagne adapted from Raw World Raw Food book. It looked quite nice and I put it in the fridge for tomorrow.

So what did I eat today?
granola, rasberries, blueberries, apple juice
bananas, passion fruit, kale chips
2 herbal rosehip teas
banana, raspberry, spinach, water smoothie
taste of lasagne cheese from food processor

bye for now


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