Sunday 20 July 2008

The RAW Wagon

I fell off the raw wagon big time this year. I have to admit to enjoying this time for various reasons. Just living on convenience food, not having to keep thinking of raw food shopping and chopping. Eating what others are doing. However it soon started to go wrong because I have a number of allergies/intolerances and I soon got ill and wanted to get back on raw. But my big problem.. I dont really like vegetables, hate greens and get very hungry if I eat just fruit. I also have problems digesting lots of raw food. However, my soul loves raw food. My mind is clearer and I dont get depressed. I also dont get ill.

I have tried nearly everybody's version of raw and failed with them all. I got to the point where I did not enjoy it and realised this year that I was forcing myself to eat things that my body did not want to eat just because some guru was saying I should eat this and I should not eat that. I was beating myself up over failure and I decided to have the best ever cooked food life for a while. However, whilst cooked food is good for my business lunches and working away in hotels I missed the adventure of raw food and what it might bring to my life.

Raw food is much more exciting and seems spiritual. It is supposed to make you younger, fitter and healthier... how can you resist this. And so I am chasing the wagon to try and get back on. But this time I do it my way and I am not going to force myself to eat 100% pure low fat, low sugar etc etc. I am just going to find out what I like and search for the fun in raw. I am also going to challenge myself to finding a healthy green juice that I like. Ok wagon I can see you in the distance I am running up to you and I am ready to jump back on and find my way back to the raw glow.

Meanwhile I have prepared some onion bread and some granola to help me transition to the rawdiet that MY body loves. I will become my own Raw Guru.

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