Thursday 31 July 2008

Organic Watermelon.. now that is something to faint about.

Day 11: Tuesday

Woke about 3.00am from a very sexy dream. Wow are soya burgers an aphrodisiac?
I found it difficult to sleep again but stomach was OK until I went to toilet about 5.00am and then it seemed to be in pain again, mainly around left kidney area.

I must have fallen asleep and the alarm woke me with a jolt. I got up to switch it off and nearly fainted. I had to lie down.

I dragged myself downstairs and made some almond milk, but I felt instantly nauseous from the almond smell. I decided to peel all the almonds and this made me feel a bit better. I made the milk and had granola and milk. I had no fresh berries to add. I also had a herbal tea.

I then felt very weak and had to rush to loo and had diarrohea. Felt better afterwards though. I decided to weigh myself as I had done 10 days. I was looking forward to the weight loss as my trousers did feel a bit bigger.

I weighed myself and found I had gained weight.... How can that be? Now I was 126lbs or 9 stone.
What am I doing wrong?
I measured my waist. It was 28 inches. So I have lost 1 inch on my waist. So that is good, but I am confused as to how I have put on 4lbs!

I went to work, but started to feel faint in the morning again and wanted to be sick. I managed to feel better with some mineral water and was in meetings all day so I just had to sit and pray that I got through the day.

Had some veggy salad at lunch but only half before I could not have any more

Was Ok all afternoon but was stuck in a meeting with no refreshments.

Went home and went to Tescos. I could not believe my luck. Not only were there young coconuts, but my first organic watermelon at a very good price. I have only seen 1 organic before and that was in Fresh and Wild in Bristol and was expensive. I bought loads of fruit and went home.

At home I realised that I am not really a watermelon fan. But surely organic watermelon juice must taste great... especially with some of the rind in order to stop sugar rushes. Anthony, the RawModel has a lovely video of doing watermelon juice. I decided to put off juicing it until tomorrow.

I made pina colada smoothie to finish off the pineapple from yesterday 3 glasses

I was still hungry Had 3 teaspoons of sauerkraut and went to bed with book... novel this time not a raw food book. I find that I sleep better if I read a book

So what did I eat today?
granola and a little almond milk
about 2 handfuls of marinated veggies with spinach
1 herbal tea
smoothie with milk of 1 young coconut, 1/2 pineapple and 1 banana
3 teaspons of sauerkraut

bye for now

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