Thursday 31 July 2008

Feeling Groogy

Day 5: Wednesday

I woke even groggier and made some fruity granola with almond milk. My friend had given me pink gooseberries so I had some of these with the raspberries and blueberries.

I have to go to a business meeting today. I took some strawberries some coconut water and some orange juice to my meeting. I had no other appropriate food to take. I knew it was going to be a light food day. I had to quickly eat the granola as I did had to leave early. I was still not enjoying the smell of almonds.

I went to the supermarket on the way home and filled up with a variety of organic fruit and vegetables. Not sure what I wuld make.

At home I made a banana, raspberry and spinach smoothie. I need to expand my range of greens but I am not a great green lover. I like spinach. Strange as before last year, I only like lettuce and did not like spinach. Now I dont like lettuce but love spinach. So I am hopeful that my taste-buds will continue to change and who knows maybe I will be loving dandelion leaves in a few years time :-)

I was still not feeling lots of energy, but I am keeping up with the washing up. I went to bed early and read Rawsome by Brigitte Mars. A great book for renewing my thoughts about Raw Food. It has a good range of sensible recipes, but also has lots of information about why to eat raw food put across in a simple and practical manner.

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