Monday 28th July
I was fed up with thinking about raw breakfast. I wanted to eat something solid but had no options. I wish I could take some time off work and make somethings. I decided to have a handful of raw granola and a herbal tea.
I took veggy salad and apples to work with me.
When I got to work, colleagues started to comment on how calm I looked. I had French lessons and my french teacher was saying how relaxed and calm I looked. This was really wierd. I was definitely not looking calm. I went to the toilets and just looked old. I need to get a photo and see what they are talking about. Maybe it was my side pony tail.
I was fed up with thinking about raw breakfast. I wanted to eat something solid but had no options. I wish I could take some time off work and make somethings. I decided to have a handful of raw granola and a herbal tea.
I took veggy salad and apples to work with me.
When I got to work, colleagues started to comment on how calm I looked. I had French lessons and my french teacher was saying how relaxed and calm I looked. This was really wierd. I was definitely not looking calm. I went to the toilets and just looked old. I need to get a photo and see what they are talking about. Maybe it was my side pony tail.
(I took a photo of me in the evening... so what do you think?)
I did not feel calm in the afternoon. I had huge stomach pains again and had to drive home early again. At home I had a young coconut. The first one had to be thrown away, but the second one was superb. It even had a bit of meat to eat. I emptied the liquid and the meat into my VitaMix and added 1/2 pineapple and a banana. The drink came out very frothy and delicious. I enjoyed sipping it slowly over the rest of the evening. However, my stomach pains were not relieved. I was sitting on the sofa, almost in tears, because of the pain. I was craving cooked food to try and stop the pain.
This challenge was getting too hard for me. I tried to think over my options. I was not trying to be 100% raw. I was trying to get to like more raw food until I chose it over cooked.
I did not want to be 100% and be miserable. Then again I was doing so well, that I did not want to cheat and feel guilty. It is amazing what conversations we have with ourselves.
I toyed with idea. Maybe I was detoxing and needed something to stop it. Maybe I was allergic to coconuts? The thought of veggy mayo with soya burger and big salad got to me.
I cheated.
I had a soya burger with salad and veggy mayo. I found one in the freezer. What more can I say.
I decided to enjoy every mouthful.. and I did.
Then about 1/2 hour later I regretted it as usual. However, I then discovered the stomachs pains were disappearing.
I was comforted and not in so much pain and went to bed and slept soundly.
Well I slept soundly after thinking about what I had done. I had failed.. no I had solved a problem... no I had failed.... I should have sat the pain out... I should eat as my body wants to.. .maybe it did not really want soya burger... maybe it did... etc etc.
So what did I eat today?
handful of raw granola
marinated veggies with spinach
smoothie of coconut water, coconut meat, banana and 1/2 pinapple
salad with soya burger, spinach, tomatoes, little veggy mayo
Bye for Now
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