Tuesday 22nd July 2008
I woke up as usual but I felt really down. I was not feeling like being a raw foodie. I did my usual routine of bathroom and feed birds and put on kettle. I found that squirrels were eating the peanuts so had to run outside and chase them away. A woodpecker came down happy to eat the peanuts.
I made another bowl of fruity granola and the smell of almonds was still making me feel nauseous. However I managed to get it down although it took about 30 minutes for me to chew the whole thing. I don’t eat very quickly and raw food tends to be eaten even more slowly. This should be good for my digestion, but not for getting to work early. I also had a warm rosehip herbal tea and then listened to the Shazzie interview on Rawkin Radio on the Internet. I have downloaded all of these and I am listening to them all over again. I just love the high vibe of them and the simple practical advice that Alissa Cohen gives.
I went to work taking the remains of the marinated veggy salad. I also took some of the cooked beetroot.. sorry but I don’t have any raw beetroot and I need some comfort food. I think cooked beetroot is a better than many other things I could choose to eat. Day 4 is going to be a hard day for raw. Work is very bad right with a new boss asserting himself in a very aggressive way. My old boss (still boss until September) and I have agreed my new role in the company and my new boss is ignoring this. I was advised that the old and new boss should argue this not me as I should not be seen as arguing with new boss. I just hope my current boss stands up for me as the new boss (new to company etc) is wanting to give me work which I cant do and do want to do and is ignoring the fact that it has taken me a long time to carve out my current research niche and I want to continue the work that is finally coming my way after the stuggles. There is no-one else to do this work so it all seems very strange. I find out later that it seems that the new boss is interested in doing this work himself with his own ideas. And he is telling me that I am not there to enjoy my work. Reallyl!
There was a lot of work crap and I did not get to eat until the afternoon. I dreamt of cooked comfort foods, but I had to keep telling myself that I would not let my work situation spoil my vision of being raw. I had a warm herbal tea as a compromise. Thank goodness for my rosehip tea. Right now I think herbal tea has to stay as this gets me through the day. I don’t have the option of warming water at work… we are not allowed to use appliances in the kitchen or work areas, we have to use the canteen or the coffee machine.. can you believe that. There is however a boiling water feed which we can use to make our own drinks. I did once start bringing in my own water in flasks but it was just too inconvenient to do this. I became the bag lady who brought her own drinks and food everywhere she went. It made me feel too isolated and an outcast. I was not enjoying being so different in environments where you were all supposed to be part of a team and bonding.
About 3.00pm I enjoyed the raw salad I had made and I own up to having the cooked beetroot (1 tiny beetroot) and enjoying it. I hope that my own home-grown beetroot will be ready soon so I can find a way of enjoying raw beetroot.
I went home very disillusioned with my new work situation and that is probably taking the shine off being raw. However, on the positive side I can only feel better with raw food. I may be feeling a whole lot worse with cooked food.
I took my car to the garage and then went back to work (only a short walk away from the garage) and took a hire car for my business meeting tomorrow. I wont have much time in the morning to make anything as I need to get to Yeovil, Somerset.
I got stuck in huge traffic jams on way home and had to bypass the supermarket route. I was not really in the mood for trying to think what I was going to eat. I thought about what I might have that evening and realised that I could juice my favourite, carrots, apples, celery and spinach. I did and it was fantastic. Then a friend called and I went to bed late and wide awake. Not good for getting proper sleep before my early trip tomorrow.
So what did I eat today?
7.15 am: rosehip herbal tea
7.30 am: fruity granola with almond milk
2.00 pm: herbal tea
3.00 pm: marinated veggy salad
7.30 pm: juice with carrots, apples, celery and spinach
Bye for Now
I woke up as usual but I felt really down. I was not feeling like being a raw foodie. I did my usual routine of bathroom and feed birds and put on kettle. I found that squirrels were eating the peanuts so had to run outside and chase them away. A woodpecker came down happy to eat the peanuts.
I made another bowl of fruity granola and the smell of almonds was still making me feel nauseous. However I managed to get it down although it took about 30 minutes for me to chew the whole thing. I don’t eat very quickly and raw food tends to be eaten even more slowly. This should be good for my digestion, but not for getting to work early. I also had a warm rosehip herbal tea and then listened to the Shazzie interview on Rawkin Radio on the Internet. I have downloaded all of these and I am listening to them all over again. I just love the high vibe of them and the simple practical advice that Alissa Cohen gives.
I went to work taking the remains of the marinated veggy salad. I also took some of the cooked beetroot.. sorry but I don’t have any raw beetroot and I need some comfort food. I think cooked beetroot is a better than many other things I could choose to eat. Day 4 is going to be a hard day for raw. Work is very bad right with a new boss asserting himself in a very aggressive way. My old boss (still boss until September) and I have agreed my new role in the company and my new boss is ignoring this. I was advised that the old and new boss should argue this not me as I should not be seen as arguing with new boss. I just hope my current boss stands up for me as the new boss (new to company etc) is wanting to give me work which I cant do and do want to do and is ignoring the fact that it has taken me a long time to carve out my current research niche and I want to continue the work that is finally coming my way after the stuggles. There is no-one else to do this work so it all seems very strange. I find out later that it seems that the new boss is interested in doing this work himself with his own ideas. And he is telling me that I am not there to enjoy my work. Reallyl!
There was a lot of work crap and I did not get to eat until the afternoon. I dreamt of cooked comfort foods, but I had to keep telling myself that I would not let my work situation spoil my vision of being raw. I had a warm herbal tea as a compromise. Thank goodness for my rosehip tea. Right now I think herbal tea has to stay as this gets me through the day. I don’t have the option of warming water at work… we are not allowed to use appliances in the kitchen or work areas, we have to use the canteen or the coffee machine.. can you believe that. There is however a boiling water feed which we can use to make our own drinks. I did once start bringing in my own water in flasks but it was just too inconvenient to do this. I became the bag lady who brought her own drinks and food everywhere she went. It made me feel too isolated and an outcast. I was not enjoying being so different in environments where you were all supposed to be part of a team and bonding.
About 3.00pm I enjoyed the raw salad I had made and I own up to having the cooked beetroot (1 tiny beetroot) and enjoying it. I hope that my own home-grown beetroot will be ready soon so I can find a way of enjoying raw beetroot.
I went home very disillusioned with my new work situation and that is probably taking the shine off being raw. However, on the positive side I can only feel better with raw food. I may be feeling a whole lot worse with cooked food.
I took my car to the garage and then went back to work (only a short walk away from the garage) and took a hire car for my business meeting tomorrow. I wont have much time in the morning to make anything as I need to get to Yeovil, Somerset.
I got stuck in huge traffic jams on way home and had to bypass the supermarket route. I was not really in the mood for trying to think what I was going to eat. I thought about what I might have that evening and realised that I could juice my favourite, carrots, apples, celery and spinach. I did and it was fantastic. Then a friend called and I went to bed late and wide awake. Not good for getting proper sleep before my early trip tomorrow.
So what did I eat today?
7.15 am: rosehip herbal tea
7.30 am: fruity granola with almond milk
2.00 pm: herbal tea
3.00 pm: marinated veggy salad
7.30 pm: juice with carrots, apples, celery and spinach
Bye for Now
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