Monday 21 July 2008

Just Love the Weekends - Day 2

Sunday 20th July

Woke up about 8.30 and needed a herbal tea. I was too groggy to think about raw. My back was in agony. This happens either when I go raw! There are some things which get worse on raw and some things that get better. I am hoping the things that go worse on raw are just things that raw is trying to sort out and will eventually heal… I hope anyway.

So I put kettle on because this is comforting, but I get on the computer and read blogs and forget to have my drink.

11.00 I make a carrot, apple, spinach and celery juice. I love this stuff. I sip it slowly… I have 3 glasses to get through. Sometimes I mix it with saliva in my mouth. The first glass tends to be drunk a bit too quickly as it quenches my thirst, then I sip the next more slowly. The third usually takes a lot longer to get down. But I am not going to waste any and I don’t want to keep it for later.

It has taken me 8 years to get from apple to this where I put in 3 sticks of celery and 3 handfuls of spinach. I hated celery and did not like spinach. Now I love this juice. I have to admit that a totally ‘green’ juice is not something that appeals to me right now, but my challenge this year is to move towards green juices until I begin to love them.

11.56 BM - hot, sticky, thin not like my normal ones. Late as well as I am always regular in the mornings when I eat more cooked food.

Watched grandprix whilst having some kale chips. These seemed to have mellowed in taste but I wont make them as strong next time, or perhaps just add more kale to them. The British driver Lewis Hamiliton won the grand prix which is great for my British pride.

About 16.00 I make myself some chopped veggies (courgette, red pepper, mushroom, sweetcorn) with spinach, olive oil, salt and some lemon juice and leave to marinade. I think this will be too salty as I ran out of salt and then had to make some more and by the time I had it coming out of the mill OK I think there was too much. Oh well it tasted reasonably OK. This might last me for 3 days of lunches.

About 16.15 I made a smoothie made of water, banana, raspberry, spinach with a little camu camu berry, little purple corn and a little agave just incase the raspberries were not sweet. The drink is OK but something not quite right It seems to have a plastic sweetness to me right now. I will drink this slowly this afternoon whilst I surf the net and get some washing and ironing done.

It is getting towards 18.43 and I am still getting through my smoothie. I am starting to get a tickly throat which seems like it could be a reaction to something in the smoothie. I need to start getting ready for work tomorrow. The weekends are way too short for me. I also have to face the crap that has been going on at work. Not sure if the universe is setting me up with battles to fight or battles to ignore and send love to. I really don’t know whether to stand my ground or give in. I will see what the Universe brings.

Bout 7.00pm I washed my hair, soaked some almonds and then ate some of the marinaded veggys whilst watching a bit of TV. Later I had my bath and went to bed about 10.00pm

I have survived the weekend and I am feeling proud of myself. But the weekends are the easy part. Now is the difficult part.. getting through the week when I don’t have time or energy to make food for myself.
So what did I eat tday?
11.00 am: a carrot, apple, spinach and celery juice
3.00pm: some kale chips ( 2 handfuls)
4.15am: smoothie (water, banana, raspberry, spinach with a little camu camu berry, little purple corn and a little agave)
7.15pm: some marinated veggies (spinach, sweetcorn, mushrooms, red peppers, courgette, oil, salt - about 1 handful)
Bye for Now

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