Wednesday 3 September 2008

week to sedona... fantastic

I had emails to confirm that I had reserved a pink jeep ride, a hot air balloon flight and a past life regression. This is going to be an amazing trip, where I get to do many of things on my WISH list and vision board.

My log cabin and flight were still waiting for me. the only problem seemed to be parking at the festival. I was getting very confusing instructions. Do I drive to the festival and then they tell me where to park, or do I drive to the dots on their map looking for an open parking space. They dont really clarify. I am talking to Pete who is very nice but not sure. Hopefully he will clear up everything before he gets annoyed with me. Hoping he understands that I am already nervous of driving a strange automatic car, on the wrong side of the road, in a strange country, looking at strange roads and signs etc. I dont want to be driving around wondering where I am going... I'll already be doing that :-))

Anway today did not start well as I woke up feeling very tired and fell asleep again... I was having a lovely dream. Therefore I was late and very late once I had made the kale salad. I decided to just have a pitta bread with almond butter for breakfast as this was fast and easy. The skies were even greyer today and there was torrential rain as I drove very slowly behind a huge convoy of lorries most of the way to to work. At least it had stopped raining where I worked so I did not get to wet walking from the car-park.

I started to get stomach pains mid-morning whic I coped with but was glad when they disappeared for a short while after I had had my kale salad.

I had a smoothie followed by salad and soya burger for dinner.

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